Vegetables are stale and boring? Not at all! With our spices for your veggie kitchen you can spice up your dishes! Everything All Natural and Premium Quality!

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0.06 kg (82,50 € / 1 kg)

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0.05 kg (79,00 € / 1 kg)

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With our spices, vegetables will never taste boring again!

‘Vegetables’ is a blanket term for a huge variety of tasty food. Healthy, diverse and easy to prepare, they play an incredibly important role in the kitchen — and practically every recipe you’ll ever cook. Unfortunately, however, if they’re not preparted right, vegetables can sometimes end up tasting a little boring on their own. That’s why we’ve created our own blend of aromatic vegetable spices that add an additional layer of deliciousness whenever you cook up one of your five a day. And, being completely free of artificial ingredients, you don’t need to sacrifice the health benefits for flavour this time.

Why are vegetables so good for us?

Vegetables contain numerous important vitamins, minerals, proteins and fibers. For this reason, they play a crucial role in any balanced diet. Many of the components found in vegetables lead to an improvement in our overall well-being. It’s long been understood that regularly eating vegetables has a positive effect on both the way you look and how well you can concentrate. This is down in a large part to their regulatory effect on blood sugar. Containing purely natural sugars (and at a much lower amount than that found in fruits), they also don’t deliver the annoying highs and lows sugar-rich foods can leave you with.

Vegetables are also rich in fiber — one of the most important components for a healthy gut. Impossible to digest, fiber gets passed through the stomach and into your indigestion system, cleaning everything as it goes. And with over 200 nerve cells forming your gut, this process is an important one.

Which vegetables are our spices made for?

The category ‘vegetables’ is quite a big one, although it helps to boil it down into root and leafy vegetables. Carrots, celery, radish and parsnips are all root vegetables, while lettuce, cabbage and spinach are members of the ‘leafy’ family. Our spices cover all bases and can be used on all of the most common vegetables.

The right spice for your vegetables

Due to the diversity of vegetables, it’s only right to have a diversity when it comes to spices. That way, whatever vegetables you’re cooking, you can use a spice that fits most optimally, leading to an improvement in both the taste and the aroma. Most spices tend to be a combination of a handful of ingredients though, namely the reliable salt, pepper and nutmeg, as well as herbs such as thyme, basil, lovage and parsley. Muskat in particular lends itself really well to potatoes, whereas the sweetness can be a bit overwhelming when added to carrots. So, before you apply your spice, consider how the various tasting profiles are going to come together.

The reason for the perfect spice mix!

When it comes to flavour, one thing is more important than all else: The aroma. A good spice increases this aroma and allows the vegetable to be as seductive with its scent as possible. For this reason, you’ll find numerous spices that have been custom-mixed for specific vegetables, although they can often be used in a variety of different recipes. As part of our World of Taste range, for example, you’ll find mixtures such as ‘Salad Herbs’, which is the perfect final ingredient for practically any salad. Here, the main ingredients are dill, parsley and chives. .

Despite different tasting profiles demanding a different spice, there is one that can improve the taste of practically any vegetable, however. Our ‘Veggi Pepup’ blend, sold under our own World of Taste banner, is a mouthwatering mix of garlic, pepper, onions and lovage. It works to improve the flavour profile of practically any vegetables, whether you fry them, roast them or bake them — or even if you enjoy them raw.

Our vegetable spices are 100% free from additives!

We think that food should be natural. Whether vegan, vegetarian or meat based, it doesn’t matter: The fewer artificial ingredients, the better. That’s why our range of vegetable spices is completely free of additives. Here, you’ll find no flavour enhancers, thickeners, artificial additives or colourants. It’s nothing but nature’s own.

All of our products sold under our World of Taste banner are regularly tested by an independent body. They test for pesticides and any artificial chemical compounds. Through this, we want to help you guarantee you’re following a healthier diet.

How to prepare vegetables with our seasoning

Some vegetables are already bursting with flavour long before you pop them in the oven. A bit of salt and pepper is all you might need for these — they taste perfect raw already! Others, however, may need a bit of TLC. And when it comes to prepping vegetables for the perfect taste, there’s so much you can do. Sometimes, adding the spice to a casserole along with the vegetables is the best bet, while at other times it’s worth waiting until the end. This is the case with side salads or other side dishes: Spice your vegetables after everything else is ready.

However you decide to put our spices to work, one thing is guaranteed: An intense, unforgettable flavour! Here are some way you can prepare vegetables using our seasoning:

  • Add it while boiling.
  • Sprinkle it over your vegetables while grilling.
  • Add it while frying.
  • Add our spices to stews and casseroles.
  • Add it while steaming.

Pepperworld’s last word on our vegetable spices

Vegetables make up an incredibly important part of any balanced diet. They can lead to a healthy stomach and a thinner frame, as well as improving your ability to concentrate. Not all vegetables are the same however: Some are classified as root vegetables, such as carrots, celery and parsnips, while others are categorised as leafy vegetables, such as spinach, lettuce and cabbage. Whatever family of vegetables you prefer, however — and no matter how you prepare/mix them together — we’ve got the perfect range of vegetable spices for you. As natural not only tastes best but has the highest health benefits, we also make sure that all of our spices are free from all additives. So you can better spice up your vegetables, safe in the knowledge that you’re not about to eat anything that wasn’t Earth-grown and chemical free. 


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